Waukeag Neck Oyster Co.

Frenchman Bay Oyster Company harvests oysters in the cold, fresh waters of Maine's iconic Frenchman Bay. Waukeag Neck Oyster Co. is their new brand for direct retail sales.

Connected to place.

Frenchman Bay is central to the brand, as are the fresh and cold waters that make the oysters so good. The iconic mountains of Frenchman Bay and the movement of the tidal waters are central to the brand.

Local, young, outdoorsy company with a brand to match.

The brand wants to look and feel local, and named Patagonia as a visual brand inspiration. Nothing too stuffy, please.

The brand solution

Waukeag Neck’s brand is fresh, youthful, and calls to mind the cycles of nature that are so important to the ecology and oyster harvest of the Bay.