Maine Outdoor School

Maine Outdoor School is an innovative Maine L3C that provides educational outdoor experiences for K-8 students, helping youth develop into lifelong ecological stewards of the Maine landscape.

Getting curious about the natural world.

Maine Outdoor School emphasizes curiosity as a central value in their refreshed identity.

Educators, first and foremost.

MOS staff are expert educators, even before being naturalists (which they excel at, too.) Skill and passion for education matters! MOS is unique in that they understand and help schools fulfill their educational objectives, all while getting kids out of the classroom and into the outdoors.

The brand solution

The logo stars two black bear cubs fascinated with the environment around them - an osprey overhead, great white pine in the background, and a stand of cattails nearby!

This youth-centered logo embraces the child’s perspective - near to the ground, with cute and relatable animals and bold, satisfying shapes, the scene itself features four identifiable native species.

Branding refresh: Before and after

Maine Outdoor School had a logo, but they were ready for an update. Take a look at the changes!