Welcome! My name is Dylan.

I work with passionate, motivated small business clients to build professional and beautiful logos, visual identities, and websites.

My clients are people like you - passionate entrepreneurs doing great things in your local communities.

Showcasing local artists and makers, investing in vibrant downtowns, creating sustainable businesses, teaching youth and adults, fostering ecological stewardship, and farming and fishing differently.

My passion is to enable you to show up confidently, professionally, and powerfully in your business, looking your best.

Let’s chat about what makes your business special and how I can help you achieve your goals. Head over to Work With Me and fill out the quick form.

What I offer*

*besides good looks

  • I craft logos that perfectly represent your business, helping you connect with your ideal clientele. My style is bold, timeless, beautiful and professional.

  • A great visual identity is incredibly powerful, and it goes beyond just a logo. I can create a toolkit for you to seamlessly present a professional coordinated look that spans across all your media.

  • Your logo and identity come together in your website - a place online you can own inside and out. With my help, your website will be a powerful tool to increase your reputation and gain great clients. I work with the Squarespace platform and provide both build-out and ongoing updates.

  • I consult with small businesses on e-commerce and brand strategy. My goal is to help you run a business that works for YOU.

Building the perfect logo for your business.

Ready to give your business a beautiful upgrade? Whether you're revamping your current logo or starting fresh, I'm ready to craft your perfect mark.

Around here, we don’t settle for a just-okay logo.

Bringing in a designer isn't just about having a logo when you need it. When you work with me, you get someone who will consider your brand from the inside out and build a professional, scalable, meaningful logo that will serve you for decades to come, even as your business grows and changes.

It means getting a final logo that you and everyone on your team is actually psyched about— not settling for— and rolling it out proudly with your designer’s expert guidance.

100% of my clients are thrilled with their logo when we wrap up, and I don’t consider my work finished until you feel the same way.

Thank you Dylan, we can’t wait to begin marketing with this amazing new logo!

Amy, Waukeag Neck Oyster Co.

So far our logo is being incredibly well-received! We're slowly starting to get stickers, car magnets, postcards, and rack cards changed over to it. I love it every time I see it!”

Hazel, Maine Outdoor School

I love the final product - it is more than I could have imagined when we began.

Gabe, Leveled Up Learning

Identity Crafting.

Identity crafting uses carefully chosen colors, fonts, styles, graphics and even illustrations or mascots to give you a fully branded, consistent, professional appearance.

A strong visual identity isn't just about looks—it's a huge part of your toolkit for building trust and being memorable and referrable in your community.

It’s what tells prospective clients that you are trusted, professional and ready to serve their needs. It places you on an equal footing with bigger companies, allowing newer brands to jumpstart their trust-building journey.

Your visual identity is encapsulated in your user-friendly brand identity guidebook - a custom document that acts as your guide when you or your designer creates something new like a sign, brochure, business card or website. When you build your visual identity with me, I create this guide for you.

Web design that measures up.

Many small businesses settle for websites that don’t do the job. Prospective customers come to evaluate that business and decide whether to call — and leave with questions unanswered, underwhelmed by a DIY presentation, or filling out a contact form that will go ignored at the bottom of an owner’s unused email account.

Your website isn't just a page on the internet—it can be your virtual storefront, your 24/7 salesperson, your friendly and reassuring relationship builder that seamlessly answers your prospective client’s questions. And it’s one of the only places online that you truly own.

I specialize in crafting beautiful and actually-useful websites built on the user-friendly Squarespace platform. I also take care of maintaining and updating your site.

Ironbound Restaurant had an older DIY site that didn’t reflect the hip atmosphere and food of their acclaimed restaurant. I updated their site with a new hip brand palette, sleek formatting, custom graphics and new photos and text.

Along the way, I recommended changes to boost the site for hungry prospective diners - by moving the menu to the top navigation and formatting it in a beautiful text format that is readable on both mobile and desktop.

We also added a custom promotional video built from photos and many other features to spotlight the wonderful dining and lodging experience.